Characteristic of Zodiac Sign
Welcome to the Characteristic of Zodiac Sign web page which brings you the links to the 12 pages we have here to describe the personality traits of those born under each star sign as well as a suggestion as to how personality might be affected by the time of the year that a person is born
First, here are the links
How Personality Might Be Affected By The Time in Year a Person Is Born
There is a scientific school of
thought which suggests that a child in the womb is influenced by the
gravitational pull of the astral bodies. The belief is that the fluid in
the brain of the unborn baby is 'pulled' by gravitational forces,
developing certain parts of the brain thereby developing particular
skills, characteristics and traits - depending upon the time of year.
Characteristic of Zodiac Sign
supporting evidence for this is that the moon alone is capable of
pulling the oceans into 10km high bulges on the Earth's surface. If the
moon can influence the seas and oceans (tides) it may well affect the
brain-fluids of the unborn.
Horoscopes .. can an astrologer
really tell you what is going to happen in the future? Certainly not on
an individual basis. Horoscopes sell newspapers and make money for those
who write them. But .. given that gravitational pull may affect
our personalities at birth, it may be possible to predict how certain
types will react or feel at given times of the lunar calendar.
should also be borne in mind that life's experiences, upbringing and
environment all play their part in determining our personalities. Added
to this list must be families, friends and a whole host of other